My Story

The original idea behind the company was formed in 2017 and it was for it to be a private, personal dog Walking service for people who didn’t have time to manage on their own.
I would come to your house, collect your dog/s and take them for a walk in the park, or for a stroll around the neighborhood. I would then return them to your house. I would make sure they had water to drink and that they were safe.

It has been very rewarding to watch the dogs out in the park, where they have lots of fun sniffing, discovering dams and interacting with new things.

The way I have positioned myself in the market, is that most of the dogs I work with have got some sort of behavioral issues, maybe they don’t like other dogs or they are nervous about meeting new people or being in strange places.

 By walking them on a regular basis and by teaching them coping skills, through a reward based system, they are able to handle new situations, people and experiences with confidence and managing these situations in a sensible, relaxed way.

 The idea of The Hound-Human Connection was born through this process as I really want to improve the connection we as owners have with our dogs and the connection they have with us as owners, by introducing new services in conjunction with dog walking.

 These include private obedience training, which takes place at your house. I will help you teach your dog to listen to basic commands, like sit, down and stay. These lessons will be structured around what you and your dog have done in the past and what you wish to achieve with your dog going forward. These lessons are all about learning new skills and having fun whilst training your dog.

I have also included private exercise programs to help owners prevent injuries to their dogs or to help owners cope with the recovery process after an injury has occurred. this goes hand in hand with K9 yoga, just like in humans we like to keep our bodies toned and in excellent physical condition, the same should apply to our dogs. It is great fun and a wonderful way to bond and connect with your dog.

Trick lessons are also a great way to help our dogs learn to use their brains in a different way. We teach them to think and problem solve which is something that dog owners find lots of fun. They get to teach their dogs something new and everyone has a great time doing this. The dogs and their owners can start out tricks together to form routines and even tell whole stories with their tricks.

To try and help our dogs cope in our very stressful environments, I wanted to introduce some products to help owners and their dogs cope, this led to the development of all the enrichment puzzles and anxiety Jackets we supply. I wanted to help owners understand that brain games and sniffing are really important ways to enrich our dogs lives and help them relax. They say that ten minutes of sniffing games is almost the same as taking our dogs for an hour's walk. Dogs , just like humans, can suffer from anxiety, so I wanted to create a jacket that would help reduce anxiety when there are thunderstorms, fireworks and even when they are left alone. I have used these jackets on my own dogs and found them very useful.

So the whole philosophy behind the company is now shifting from a purely walking business, with very little involvement of their owners, to a business that promotes better relationship and understanding between owners and their wonderful, remarkable dogs. (Fur Babies)

Kim Botham

General Dogs Body

I am Kim Botham, the CEO and Owner of The Hound-Human Connection.
I have always had a passion for animals, mainly dogs and horses. I’ve been involved in training and walking my own dogs for about 10 years. I started doing this after there were fights happening in the home. I sought the help of a behaviourist who recommended tricks, training and walking to exercise the dog’s brains, to get rid of excess energy and to reduce pent up frustration.

It was during this time that I also started taking my dogs to the park, with my behaviourist. It was such an eye opening experience to see them gain confidence and enjoy being outdoors, sniffing like mad. This led me to the realization that I wanted to give other dogs this opportunity and thus began to pursue a career in canine enrichment.

I was a member of the Animal Behavior Consultants of South Africa from 2016, until it closed in 2021. I served on their committee for about a year. I always try to stay up to date on all the relevant research and discussions regarding animals, how they think and learn. I feel this is vitally important for anyone in the animal field.

With this in mind I’ve been lucky enough to shadow and work with a number of behaviourists over the last 10 years. It was for this reason that I decided that I wanted to study an animal behaviourist course though COAPE, this is a two year internationally recognized diploma.

I have also had the opportunity to watch and learn from dog physiotherapists, as they work with dogs that have sustained injuries. I have learned the correct way to lift a dog with a spinal injury and help dogs with sore legs move around more comfortably. I decided to study my Paw-sonal Bronze course under Ansi Van Der Walt, who runs The PetFit courses. This enables me to help you develop an exercise program to help prevent an injury from occurring to your dog or rehabilitate one that already has an injury.  

I have developed a range of enrichment puzzles and anxiety Jackets to help our dogs cope with stressful situations and to stay calm and relaxed.

I currently have two Beagles of my own and I have recently moved in with my Dad, who also has two Beagles. Living in a multi-dog household can be very challenging. Trick training is a wonderful quick way to give each dog a few minutes of individual attention.

Tamara alkins

Team Member

I am Tamara Allkins, an avid dog lover. Anyone who knows me knows I like to keep busy and make the best of every situation. My background is in marketing and events, where I have spent the last 23 years. I have two fur babies of my own but have had as many as six.   I play netball and swim for fun; my dogs normally join me for the swimming. They are my fluffy babies and the best remedy to any bad day – especially as I am raising two teenage boys (who I love maybe as much as my poochies)! I have such faith in all the Hound-Human Connection has to offer that I will be doing their marketing and making sure they are at every relevant event to promote all the wonderful products and services. Kim and I have been great friends for 25 years!